General Assembly of the Estonian Bar Association 2023


At the beginning of May, members of the Estonian Bar Association and other important stakeholders had the opportunity to visit the Estonian Film Museum, where the 2023 General Assembly of the Bar Association was held. Everything that was happening was also covered online as a hybrid solution.

At the general assembly, the difficulties experienced last year and the steps taken for development were discussed, which should be emphasized even more in the future. The topics covered during the day were important both at the level of the Bar Association and society, and in order to stimulate thoughts between important topics, Tervise Catering offered a delicious lunch.

Our event organizer Taago was also given meaningful feedback by the Bar Association: “Thank you for being there for us again. Thank you for the excellent organization and especially for the calm and optimistic attitude that gives confidence in critical moments. A true professional.”

Until the next time, Estonian Bar Association!

See also the 2022 General Assembly of the Estonian Bar Association!

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Celebrate Group
Raul Mee
Videal Production

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